
Angloamerikanische Rechtssprache / The Practitioners’ Guide to Applied Comparative Law and Language Vol 1

Chapters on the US, UK, German, and Austrian legal systems provide a well-founded overview of the respective field of law in US or UK legal English. The introductions to each legal field are each followed by field-specific glossaries intended for work practice. The target group of this book are attorneys, business lawyers, accountants, translators, and students as well as everybody who deals with legal and business texts in English. This book can be used for reference but also as a teaching or self-study tool. Volume 1 comprises the legal fields of contract law, law of business entities, commercial law, tort law, real estate law, employment law, family law, law of succession, civil procedure law, and arbitration law.



Angloamerikanische Rechtssprache / The Practitioners’ Guide to Applied Comparative Law and Language Vol 2

Chapters on the US, UK, German, and Austrian legal systems provide a well-founded overview of the respective field of law in US or UK legal English. The introductions to each legal field are each followed by field-specific glossaries intended for work practice. The target group of this book are attorneys, business lawyers, accountants, translators, and students as well as everybody who deals with legal and business texts in English. This book can be used for reference but also as a teaching or self-study tool. Volume 2 comprises the legal fields of constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, criminal procedure law, antitrust law, intellectual property law, tax law, insolvency law, and insurance law.

Angloamerikanische Rechtssprache Band 1 / Anglo-American Legal Language 1

This practice-oriented textbook provides a comprehensive overview of Anglo-American civil and business law and legal language. The first volume covers the areas of contract law, business organizations, insurance law, arbitration, tax law, accounting, and intellectual property law (industrial property rights).



Angloamerikanische Rechtssprache Band 2 / Anglo-American Legal Language 2

This second volume of this practice-oriented textbook continues its comprehensive overview of Anglo-American business law and legal language with major fields such as tort law, civil procedure law, commercial law, labor law, real estate law and family law.


Angloamerikanische Rechtssprache Band 3 / Anglo-American Legal Language 3

The third volume of the practice-oriented handbook enhances the comprehensive overview of Anglo-American business law and Anglo-American legal language by addressing additional important fields of law, such as law, administrative law, criminal law, criminal procedure law, Insolvency law and antitrust/cartel law.




Rechtliche Gleichbehandlung in Österreich und in der EU (2. Auflage) 

Anti-discrimination law is a relatively young field of law, and has undergone rapid development in the last few years. The second edition of the book describes this legal topic in a comprehensive and understandable way, and explains existing anti-discrimination legislation in Austria with reference to practical examples and decisions of the highest courts.

Geklagt in den USA.

In view of asbestos lawsuits, the Kaprun disaster, restitution issues, and compensation paid to forced labourers, many business people worry about the risks of doing business in the USA and of maintaining customer relations with Americans. This book is an introduction to the legal regime and court system of the United States, which is often strange to the European legal culture, and gives valuable advice on how to act in the event of threatened or pending lawsuits.

Due Diligence. Ein Handbuch für die Praxis.

Due diligence reviews are becoming increasingly important to organizations and business advisors, both in mergers & acquisitions and for initial public offerings. The subject has not previously been systematically analysed in theory and practice; this book will close that gap.


Anglo-American Legal Language - Study Aids

This book complements volumes 1-3 by compiling practical exercises (study aids) to give each reader/student ample opportunity to work on the relevant study aid and thus deepen his/her understanding of the relevant law field as well as broaden his/her command of the specialized language used in that context.

These study aids can be used for class work or for self-study; all exercises are also followed by a key section with suggested answers.